so many lists, so little time.
Models of support
- crowdsource per project, cw&t
- direct sales
- ad supported media to support non-ad supported work, i.e have a podcast about the work to support the work itself
- ad supported work
- memberships, Craig Mod /
- advances
- grants
- fellowships
- salary from 9-5 subsidizing work
- corporate sponsors
- freelance
- formal investment (VC, etc)
- debt
Projects I am supporting right now
- Ted Gioia, The Honest Broker
- USB Club
- poem/1 AI clock, matt webb, kickstarter
- Sam Harris Substack
- super connect, kickstarter
- Do Not Block The Gate, kickstarter
- Sublime, membership
Random bits of useful ideas
- increase variation instead of trying to be "better" than competitors
- look for win-wins, systems-thinking
- optimize for survival (Visa) / Default Alive (Paul G)
- 1000 true fans (Kevin Kelly)
- Anti-fragile (Taleb)
- Clear writing = clear thinking (Orwell)
- Willingness to look stupid (Dan Luu)
- Protocol Fiction (Matt Webb) / Art of the Possible
- MAYA (Most Advanced Yet Acceptable)
- Lazy Susan model of productivity (multiple projects at once)
- The grain of screens is flux (Frank Chimero)
Current podcast rotation
- html energy
- Aquarium Drunkard
- Conversations with Tyler, Tyler Cowen
- Infinite Loops, Jim O'Shaughnessy
- Making Sense, Sam Harris
- The Tim Ferriss Show, Tim Ferriss
ways of supporting my work
Currently working on
- Printernet
- polymathematics, writing / blog
- new podcast
New ideas to work on...
- notes app via self texts
- shortwave, physical
- sourdough app
- internet passport: collect stamps from the coolest websites you visit
- screenshot -> link tool
- webermail, email just for the family
- balloon light
- austin meetup for software/art folks
- walking watch, simple voice recorder -> auto transcribe
- whitelist certain blogs and auto print their newest posts
- public projectors where anyone can compose a message or bit of html to be displayed
- reading lamp that projects any book onto blank pages
- pan that changes color when it is hot
- film canister that has an "exposed" vs "unexposed" lid dial
-, website with problems / invention requests
- a reminder desktop object that whistles like a tea kettle
Coming up...
- Boredom antibodies / Anti-bored essay
- My appearance on Inventory-ing podcast
- Releasing the polymathematics podcast, eps 1 - 6 (season 1)