things I want to explore adding to my site
published on 3.15.24
The fun part about having your own website (especially one you built yourself) is that it is always changing. Sometimes it grows too large and I need to trim it back. Sometimes it feels too simple and I need to plant some seeds and introduce variety again. I like my site right now, it's a good balance of these things... but of course I have ideas for additions. Here are a few:
- a more polished portfolio, update the inventions tab to showcase my projects in a more interactive / interesting way. The visual element in particular could be much improved
- a proper digital library / bookshelf. I have my Reco library where you can get a book rec, but my experimental project Magic Bookshelf and a tour of Donald Judd's library out in Marfa have planted this idea for something more comprehensive. I know this one would take a lot of work though.
- think through and write out some of my core values, interests, principles. This can feel solipsistic or frivolous but I think if you do it right, it can actually be very cool. Some of mine would be: curiosity, experimentation, openness, resilience...
- I sorta want to add a visitor callbox to my site where visitors can try to ring me up and see if "I am in". If I am online at the moment we can instantly start chatting on a Google Meet or Audio only channel. Would be weird and fun.
- a guestbook but with webcam selfies, polaroid style... think it could even be cool enough to spin out to its own site: internet selfie, people of the web
- add garden to mobile
- wall of heroes... but find a way of doing it which feels natural rather than idolizing.
- colophon
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